Admin 20 days ago

Admin 15 days ago
How do they determine blood types in people?
Different countries use different processes but basically it is the same... Testing the blood against antibodies to see what reacts.
Agglutination (check out the word)

So if the blood has the corresponding antigen, in this case special proteins, it clots/clumps together. In this example we can see clots in B and AB, that's because the B-antibodies in both of those test chemicals are reacting to the B proteins expressed on the red blood cells. We know it's B- because the Rh antibody didn't react meaning the RH proteins are either not expressed or are completely absent.
If someone was O+, for example, since O blood has zero expression of A or B proteins on its surface you would not see any clotting except for the Rh protein.
Absolutely zero clotting if O- (which is the universal donor -ie: can give blood to anyone = Gdad)
And you'd see clotting in every circle for AB+ (the universal recipient - ie: can receive blood from anyone = Gma)

Admin 15 days ago
How many humans live here?
How much food do we produce?

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